Policy - Mystery Boxes
Pop Freak Mystery Policies & Regulations
- It is important to note & even more important that it is understood that purchasing a Mystery Box is a risk. The odds that you will receive a “Top Hit” are not in your favor.
- Often we will have themed Mystery contests, but more often we will just be doing a straight up Mystery hunt for one or more grails that are available. Some contests will be “Hit or Miss” format, meaning that there will be no Guaranteed Value & it will be a smaller price point. Other contests will have a value return attached to your purchase. These values will be calculated upon boxing of the items. You also may find extra goodies in your boxes, like Stickers, Mystery Minis, Toilet Ninjas, Pez or an out of box Pop! This is just are way to say Thank You, when we have the opportunity to do so.
- You can buy as many boxes as you like, BUT each Mystery Box should be a separate transaction. YOU CANNOT PURCHASE MORE THAN 1 BOX AT A TIME. Feel free to make your purchase, then return back to make additional purchases. THOSE PURCHASES THAT INCLUDE MORE THAN 1 BOX OR ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS WILL BE CANCELLED.
- Every POP! will be shipped with the utmost protection, regardless of its market value & the more valuable Pops will be in soft or hard protectors, depending on that value.
- Our process is much like that of other companies that offer Mystery Box Contests. We pack the items well in advance of making them available for order. This creates a completely random & fair environment for all to participate. We love to see our customers happy & this is just another way to ensure that they are satisfied with the products & service we provide. Sharing your favorite pulls from your purchase(s) on social media & tagging us would be greatly appreciated. This will help us build up a stronger community of “Pop Freaks”.
- In order for Mystery Contests to be successful, every box must sell. There are administrative reasons why that is the case, but just know that we will do our best to make sure we are engaged with the community & promoting the Mystery Contest heavily. We will leave contests active for two weeks & all purchases will ship out after the last box has sold. If a contest does not sell out, all purchases will be refunded.